Genice resides in Shreveport, La she is a LPN and has 2 kids, Desabian is 13 & Stormie is 17 - I am a very proud grandmother!!I try to see them as often as possible they will be visiting Christmas and I am looking forward to it. Genice is a great cook and she is planning the complete meal, isn't that grand!! Stormie retired from basketball for band - I couldn't believe that!! Sab loves anything musical and he takes karate classes. I love to brag on the grands!! I worked at Cerestar here in Dimmitt for 24 years and when the last downsizing occurred I decided to try my first love, teaching. I have taught in the Windham School District since 2001, WSD is the school system for TDCJ offenders and I teach a class called Cognitive Intervention. I love it and pray that I will be able to help some of the guys make better choices for their lives.I moved to Gatesville when I first started teaching but have since moved back to Dimmit and teach at the Formby unit in Plainview. It's amazing to see so many classmates still around Dimmitt - I love small town living and have never desired city living. I think that we all look great - I can't believe it has been 40 years!!